%0 Journal Article %T Morgan&#8217;s Mistake Leads to a Revolution in Genetics %A Muying Zhou %J Open Journal of Genetics %P 27-36 %@ 2162-4461 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojgen.2024.142003 %X This paper reviews the author&#8217;s research since 2018 on Mendel&#8217;s gene assumption. The main conclusion is that Morgan&#8217;s misreading of Mendel&#8217;s gene assumption would lead to the inevitable Copernican-like revolution (geocentrism replaced by heliocentrism) in genetics. The evidence for this judgment comes from written records in Morgan&#8217;s <i>The Theory of the Gene</i>. The result of Mendel&#8217;s experiment proposed the &#8220;second question of genetics&#8221; (template question), aim at which he assumed the gene was the element controlling individual specification. This led to dualistic genetics (two elements forming the germplasm). However, the gene located by Morgan was germplasm able to give rise to the individual&#8212;the answer to the &#8220;first question of genetics&#8221;. It ushered in gene-monistic genetics. The confirmation of the gene as DNA has opened a new era of physical verification of gene intension. The inability of DNA to build 3&#8217;,5&#8217;-phosphodiester bonds revealed that the gene has neither the ability to produce individuals nor is it self-replicating; consequently, the basis of gene monistic genetics completely collapsed. Instead, the universal fact that the egg&#8217;s transcriptase initiates DNA (genome) transcription giving rise to the individual (unless accidents occur) confirms that Mendelian dualistic genetics is scientific genetics. %K Mendel %K Morgan %K Germplasm %K Genes %K Transcriptase %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=133713