%0 Journal Article %T 区域创新能力视角下数字经济对区域协调发展的影响研究
Research on the Impact of Digital Economy on Regional Coordinated Development under the Perspective of Regional Innovation Capacity %A 刘丹阳 %J World Economic Research %P 143-152 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wer.2024.132015 %X 本文基于2012~2020年中国30个省份的省级面板数据,采用双向固定模型,结合中介效应分析方法,研究数字经济对区域协调发展的影响以及区域创新能力在这一过程中发挥的中介作用。研究结果表明:数字经济对区域协调发展具有显著的促进作用,并且这种促进作用在不同地区之间存在异质性;区域创新能力在这一过程中发挥中介作用,数字经济能够通过提高区域创新能力促进区域协调发展。本文的研究结论肯定了数字经济对缩小区域发展差距、促进区域协调发展的重要作用,为缓解发展的不平衡不充分、实现经济高质量发展提出了理论依据和政策建议。
Based on the provincial panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2012 to 2020, this paper adopts a two-way fixed model, combined with the mediation effect analysis method, to study the impact of the digital economy on the coordinated regional development and the mediating role played by the regional innovation capacity in this process. The results of the study show that: the digital economy has a significant role in promoting regional coordinated development, and there is heterogeneity among different regions in this promotion; regional innovation capacity plays a mediating role in this process, and the digital economy is able to promote regional coordinated development by improving regional innovation capacity. The findings of this paper affirm the important role of the digital economy in narrowing the regional development gap and promoting regional coordinated development, and put forward theoretical basis and policy recommendations for alleviating the imbalance and insufficiency of development and realizing high-quality economic development. %K 数字经济,区域创新能力,区域协调发展,区域经济,区域异质性
Digital Economy %K Regional Innovation Capacity %K Regional Coordinated Development %K Regional Economy %K Regional Heterogeneity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=88892