%0 Journal Article %T 天津海岸带空间资源承载力评价指标体系构建
Construction of Evaluation Index System of Spatial Resource Carrying Capacity in Tianjin Coastal Zone %A 孙欢 %A 马玉艳 %A 姜旭娟 %A 徐玉山 %A 郑美玲 %J Adances in Marine Sciences %P 43-48 %@ 2376-4279 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ams.2024.112005 %X 文章在已有的研究经验的基础上,从数据的可获得性,指标选取的均衡性,海岸带区域的适用性,人类活动的正向影响四个方面,结合实际情况,构建了一套适用于天津海岸带空间资源承载力评价的指标体系。该指标体系采用压力–承压–弹性指标体系构建方法,从海岸带开发状况、海岸带资源环境现状、海岸带保护修复项目及政策实施三个方面选取评价指标,既可以反映天津海岸带海洋空间资源承载状态,又可以为其他海岸带地区的空间资源承载力评价指标体系构建提供重要参考。利用本文的指标体系,可以指导天津海岸带空间资源承载力评价工作。
Building on existing research experience, this article constructs an index system for evaluating the spatial resource carrying capacity of the Tianjin coastal zone. This is based on the availability of data, the balance of indicator selection, the applicability of the coastal zone, and the positive impact of human activities. The index system adopts the pressure-carrier-response method, selecting evaluation indicators from the development status of the coastal zone, the current status of coastal zone resources and environment, and the implementation of coastal zone protection and restoration projects and policies. This system can reflect the carrying capacity of marine spatial resources in Tianjin coastal zone and provide important reference for constructing the index system for evaluating the spatial resource carrying capacity of other coastal zones. By using this index system, the evaluation of the spatial resource carrying capacity in Tianjin coastal zone can be guided. %K 海岸带,空间资源承载力,指标体系
Coastal Zone %K Spatial Resource Carrying Capacity %K Indicator System %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=88851