%0 Journal Article %T 固体力学国内外发展:历史追溯与现状分析
Domestic and International Development of Solid Mechanics: Historical Tracing and Current Situation Analysis %A 杨可凡 %A 张大朋 %A 姜淏予 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 97-106 %@ 2574-416X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/isl.2024.82013 %X 力的作用与物质的运动是自然界和人类活动中最基本的现象。固体力学作为力学的一个重要分支,在工程和国民经济中所起的重大作用,其近年来发展迅速,特别是在与生物、化学、前沿技术等交叉的学科方面。现今,固体力学知识体系日趋完整,在许多领域中的作用日益重要。文章对固体力学进行了回顾,追溯了固体力学的历史,并且对固体力学的现状进行了分析,阐述了固体力学在许多领域的应用。
The action of force and the motion of matter are the most fundamental phenomena in nature and human activities. Solid mechanics, as an important branch of mechanics, plays a significant role in engineering and national economy, and its development has been rapid in recent years, especially in the intersection of disciplines with biology, chemistry, cutting-edge technology and so on. Nowadays, the knowledge system of solid mechanics is becoming more and more complete, and its role in many fields is increasingly important. The article reviews solid mechanics, traces the history of solid mechanics, and analyzes the current situation of solid mechanics, describing the application of solid mechanics in many fields. %K 固体力学,追本溯源,固体力学的应用现状
Solid Mechanics %K Tracing Back the History %K Current Status of the Application of Solid Mechanics %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=88860