%0 Journal Article %T 试论《个人的体验》中的荒诞叙事
On the Absurd Narrative Art of “A Personal Matter” %A 吴云霞 %J World Literature Studies %P 133-139 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.123021 %X 《个人的体验》是大江健三郎在萨特存在主义的影响下创作的一部长篇小说。本研究以萨特存在主义荒诞论为依据,深入探讨《个人的体验》中荒诞的人物形象、荒诞的突发事件以及人物应对荒诞的方式。大江在小说中利用荒诞的表现手法,生动地展现了战后日本青年所面临的灵魂冲突与心理危机,而小说的结尾则反映了大江积极的人生态度与人道主义精神。作为一名残疾儿的父亲,大江不仅通过写作来表达自己对困境的思考与抉择,还致力于从个人的具体性出发,揭示全人类的共通性,探索走出荒诞的途径。
“A Personal Matter” is a novel penned by Kenzaburo Oe, which was influenced by Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialist philosophy. This study draws upon Sartre’s concept of the absurd and delves into the absurd characters, absurd unexpected events, and the ways in which characters respond to absurdity. In this novel, Kenzaburo Oe skillfully employs absurdist storytelling techniques to vividly capture the inner conflicts and psychological turmoil experienced by post-war Japanese youth, while the ending of the novel reflects Kenzaburo Oe’s positive attitude towards life and his humanitarian spirit. As a father of a disabled child, Kenzaburo Oe uses his writing to articulate his considerations and decisions concerning hardship, aiming not only to express his personal experiences, but also to strive to reveal the commonalities of all humanity from the perspective of personal specificity, and explore ways to overcome absurdity. %K 个人的体验,大江健三郎,萨特,荒诞,存在主义
A Personal Matter %K Kenzaburo Oe %K Sartre %K Absurdity %K Existentialism %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89050