%0 Journal Article %T 文化人类学视域下的《雨天的书》解读
Interpretation of “The Rainy Day Book” in the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology %A 张雪 %J World Literature Studies %P 140-146 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.123022 %X 在日本留学期间,周作人对西方的文化人类学产生了极为浓厚的兴趣,文化人类学理论体系庞大,又反过来对周作人产生了多方面的影响,在这一学科的不断滋养下,周作人逐步构建起了以其为中心的知识体系,并渗透在他的文学理论、散文创作和神话研究中。文章将以周作人的第一本小品散文集《雨天的书》为中心,从蛮性的遗留、封建道德批判及神话研究等方面探寻其中所蕴含的文化人类学思想。
During his study in Japan, Zhou Zuoren became extremely interested in Western cultural anthropology, and the huge theoretical system of cultural anthropology, in turn, influenced Zhou Zuoren in many ways. Under the constant nourishment of this discipline, Zhou Zuoren gradually constructed a knowledge system centered on it, which penetrated into his literary theories, prose creations, and mythological researches. This paper will focus on Zhou Zuoren’s first collection of essays, The Book of the Rainy Day, and explore the cultural anthropological ideas embedded in it in terms of the legacy of barbarism, the critique of feudal morality, and the study of myths. %K 文化人类学,蛮性的遗留,道德批判,神话研究
Cultural Anthropology %K The Legacy of Barbarism %K Moral Critique %K Myth Study %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89051