%0 Journal Article %T 黑色幽默式悲剧的要素——以《第二十二条军规》为例
Elements of Black Humor Tragedy—Taking Catch-22 as an Example %A 金子昊 %J World Literature Studies %P 162-168 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.123025 %X 黑色幽默应该理解为后现代主义经过对符号系统和文本结构的解构后产生的现代悲剧。以海勒的《第二十二条军规》为代表,其悲剧要素有三种体现:第一,小说主题消解宏大叙事,从荒诞现实中可以归纳出悲剧起因的“个体化”困境;第二,小说语言系统被刻意颠倒,勾勒出小说世界观的病态逻辑,从符号系统角度为悲剧添加厚度;第三,小说结构破碎无序,颠覆了传统小说的线性叙述模式,从而通过对悲剧形式的消解进一步让人感受到形而上的悲剧底色。
Black humor should be understood as the modern tragedy produced by postmodernism after the deconstruction of the symbolic system and textual structure. Taking Heller’s Catch-22 as a representative, there are three elements of tragedy: first, the theme of the novel dissolves the grand narrative, and the dilemma of “individualization” as the cause of the tragedy can be summarized from the absurd reality; second, the language system of the novel is deliberately inverted, outlining the pathological logic of the novel’s worldview, and adding thickness to the tragedy from the perspective of the symbol system; third, the structure of the novel is broken and disordered, subverting the linear narrative mode of traditional novels, thus adding thickness to the tragedy. %K 黑色幽默,《第二十二条军规》,悲剧
Black Humor %K Catch-22 %K Tragedy %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89054