%0 Journal Article %T 基于土壤结构的直流偏磁治理装置设计与仿真研究
Design and Simulation Study of DC Biasing Governance Device Based on Soil Structure %A 徐志奇 %J Journal of Electrical Engineering %P 29-38 %@ 2333-5424 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jee.2024.122004 %X 本文以酒泉 ± 800 kV换流站及其输电线路为研究背景,构建了接地极附近三维复合分层模型并对其线路所经酒泉地区的土壤结构电阻率进行测试,分析了对ESP (地表电位,Earth surface potential)的影响。通过分析直流偏磁产生机理,提出直流偏磁直流方法,首先,在特地土壤结构中,通过设置测站,实测实量对周边交流变电站中性点接地的直流偏磁的影响进行分析研究,最后,搭建了基于土壤结构的隔直装置电路模型,利用MATLAB中Simulink可视化仿真工具,对直流偏磁治理进行仿真研究,为特高压直流输电项目的接地极极址选择和直流偏磁治理提供一定的参考。
The paper based on the research background of Jiuquan ± 800 kV converter station and its transmission line, constructed three-dimensional composite layered model of the soil structure near the grounding pole, and tested resistivity the area where the line passes through Jiuquan, the effect of ESP (Earth surface potential) is analyzed. Firstly, in the special soil structure, the influence of the measured quantity on the DC bias grounded at the neutral point of the surrounding AC substation was analyzed and studied. Finally, the circuit model of the straightening device based on the soil structure is built, and used Simulink in MATLAB, the simulation study of DC magnetic biasing treatment can provide some reference for the selection of grounding pole address and DC magnetic biasing treatment of ultra high voltage direct current (UHVDC) projects. %K 特高压直流,土壤结构,变压器,直流偏磁,治理
Ultra High Voltage Direct Current %K Soil Structure %K Transformers %K DC Bias %K Governance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89078