%0 Journal Article %T 基于三维斜帐篷映射的3D置乱和DNA编码的彩色图像加密算法
Color Image Encryption Algorithm Based on DNA Coding and 3D Scrambling Using Three-Dimensional Skew Tent Map %A 吴妍桐 %A 李浩然 %A 陈欣 %A 叶瑞松 %J Interdisciplinary Science Letters %P 126-136 %@ 2574-416X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/isl.2024.82016 %X 为了保障图像传输存储的安全性,本文提出了一种基于DNA编码和三维斜帐篷映射的彩色多图像加密算法。首先根据三维斜帐篷映射产生的混沌序列,分别对d幅彩色原始图像从三个维度进行置乱;其次,对置乱后的图像像素进行DNA编码处理,将其与DNA编码后的混沌序列进行运算加密完成扩散过程;最后DNA解码后得到加密图像。实验结果和安全性分析表明,该算法加密效果良好,具有较大的密钥空间、优良的统计性能和较好的明文和密文敏感性等优点。
To ensure the security of image transmission and storage, a color multi-image encryption algorithm based on DNA coding and 3D skew tent map. Firstly, according to the chaotic sequence generated by the skew tent map, the original d color images are scrambled from three dimensions respectively. Secondly, the scrambled image pixels are processed by DNA coding, which is encrypted with the chaotic sequence encoded by DNA operations to complete the diffusion process. Finally, the DNA coding sequence is decoded to produce cipher image. Experimental results and security analysis show that the algorithm has good encryption performance, large key space, good statistical performances, high sensitivity to plaintext and ciphertext, etc. %K 多图像加密,DNA编码,斜帐篷映射,3D置乱
Multi-Image Encryption %K DNA Coding %K Skew Tent Map %K 3D Scrambling %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89162