%0 Journal Article %T 中国式现代化进程中中国制造业的现状及发展趋势
Status Quo and Development Trend of China’s Manufacturing Industry in the Process of Chinese-Style Modernization %A 苏庆华 %A 牟建宏 %A 徐升 %A 万开政 %J World Economic Research %P 165-170 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wer.2024.132018 %X 我国的制造业是主要支柱产业,在中国现代化进程中至关重要。科技发展和需求转变推动我国制造业向密集型数字智能服务型的方向发展。在实现中国智能制造的发展目标过程中,当前资源开发利用及国际大环境的变化都对我国制造业提出了新的要求。中国制造业的发展需基于政策引领、技术驱动、产业升级和数智融合。中国制造业发展需要多头并进,区域规划、政策引领和产业融合并进,产业协同、科技人才培养并进,高精与数智并进,可持续发展与绿色制造并进,培育新兴产业和未来产业。
China’s manufacturing industry is the main pillar industry and is crucial in China’s modernization process. Scientific and technological development and shifts in demand have pushed China’s manufacturing industry in the direction of intensive digital intelligence and service-oriented development. In the process of realizing the development goal of Chinese-style modernization, the current resource development and utilization and changes in the international environment have put forward new requirements for China’s manufacturing industry. The development of China’s manufacturing industry needs to be based on policy leadership, technology-driven, industrial upgrading and digital-intelligent integration. China’s manufacturing development needs to be multi-pronged, with regional planning, policy leadership and industrial integration, industrial synergy, scientific and technological talent training, high precision and digital intelligence, sustainable development and green manufacturing, and the cultivation of new industries and future industries. %K “中国制造2025”,技术融合,产业协同,绿色制造,区域协同发展
“Made in China 2025” %K Technology Integration %K Industry Synergy %K Green Manufacturing %K Regional Coordinated Development %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89270