%0 Journal Article %T 数字经济推动我国服务贸易高质量发展研究
A Study on Digital Economy to Drive High-Quality Development of China’s Trade in Services %A 陈妍君 %A 陈连 %A 杨如如 %A 刘秀红 %J World Economic Research %P 183-187 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wer.2024.132020 %X 随着各国经济联系的不断加强、跨国公司的兴起以及信息技术的快速发展,服务贸易得以在全球范围内迅速扩展。服务贸易发展水平作为衡量一个国家综合实力的关键因素之一,受到了广泛关注。本文通过分析我国服务贸易与数字经济的当前格局,深度剖析探索数字经济在推动我国服务贸易向高质量发展中起到的关键作用及其实现方式。研究表明,数字经济促进了交易方式和交易对象的数字化转变。进而,从数字经济的视角提出了切实有效的对策,以推动我国服务贸易进入高质量发展的新阶段。
With the continuous strengthening of economic ties among countries, the rise of multinational companies, and the rapid development of information technology, trade in services has expanded rapidly on a global scale. The development level of trade in services, as one of the key factors in measuring a country’s comprehensive strength, has received widespread attention. Through analyzing the current landscape of China’s trade in services and digital economy, this paper delves into the crucial role and implementation methods of the digital economy in promoting the high-quality development of China’s trade in services. It is revealed that the digital economy has facilitated the digital transformation of transaction methods and objects. Furthermore, practical and effective countermeasures are proposed from the perspective of the digital economy to push China’s trade in services into a new stage of high-quality development. %K 数字经济,服务贸易,数字贸易,贸易方式,数字化
Digital Economy %K Trade in Services %K Digital Trade %K Trade Mode %K Digitization %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89272