%0 Journal Article %T 内蒙古草原蝗虫越冬期适生区提取研究
Extraction of Over-Wintering Suitable Areas for Locusts in Inner Mongolia Grassland %A 张惠杰 %J Geographical Science Research %P 489-499 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/gser.2024.133046 %X 内蒙古自治区生态环境复杂多变,草原蝗虫的周期性暴发对农业生产和生态平衡构成严重威胁。越冬期作为蝗虫发育周期的重要阶段,对于蝗虫适生区监测具有不可忽视的重要性。本研究以内蒙古草原蝗虫优势种为研究对象,选取最低地表温度、降水量、土壤盐度、海拔高度、植被类型等蝗虫越冬相关生境因子的遥感数据,通过层次分析法计算各生境因子权重,划分蝗虫越冬适宜性阈值,通过生境适宜性模型构建越冬适宜指数,提取蝗虫越冬期适生区,探讨内蒙古蝗虫越冬期适生区时空变化及生境因子对其解释程度。结果表明:越冬期适生区适宜性分布由东北向西南递减,在内蒙古中东地区表现为显著上升趋势。最低地表温度是影响越冬期适生区演变的主要原因,并且最低地表温度与植被类型的交互作用也对越冬期适生区的研究具有显著作用。
The ecological environment of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is complex and variable, and the periodic outbreaks of grassland locusts pose a serious threat to agricultural production and ecological balance. The over-wintering period, as an important stage in the development cycle of locusts, is of non-negligible importance for the monitoring of locust habitat. In this study, we took the dominant locust species in Inner Mongolia grassland as the research object, selected the remote sensing data of the lowest surface temperature, precipitation, soil salinity, altitude, vegetation type and other habitat factors related to locust over-wintering, calculated the weights of the habitat factors through hierarchical analysis, divided the thresholds of locust over-wintering suitability, and constructed the overwintering suitability index through the habitat suitability model, extracted the suitability zones of locust over-wintering, and explored the spatio-temporal and temporal suitability zones of locust over-wintering in Inner Mongolia. We investigated the spatial and temporal changes of locust over-wintering suitable areas and the degree of explanation by habitat factors. The results showed that the distribution of suitable over-wintering areas decreased from northeast to southwest, and showed a significant upward trend in the east-central part of Inner Mongolia. Minimum surface temperature (MST) was the main factor influencing the evolution of the overwintering suitable areas, and the interaction between MST and vegetation types also played a significant role in the study of over-wintering suitable areas. %K 蝗虫,生境适宜性模型,越冬期,适生区
Locust %K Habitat Suitability Modeling %K Over-Wintering %K Suitable Areas %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89129