%0 Journal Article %T 烯烃的不对称双卤化研究进展
Recent Research Progress of Asymmetric Dihalogenation of Alkenes %A 陈智超 %A 王小燕 %A 周兵星 %J Journal of Organic Chemistry Research %P 220-230 %@ 2330-524X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jocr.2024.122019 %X 目前,自然界已发现近5000多种天然产物中含有一个或多个手性卤素官能团,它们中的绝大多数分子都具有生物活性。为了满足人们对这类天然产物的生物活性研究的需求,我们迫切需要通过合成的方法引入手性单卤或多卤官能团。相应地,烯烃的不对称卤化(包括双卤化反应)作为得到手性卤素官能团最高效的方法之一,近年来受到化学工作者的广泛关注。本文从金属有机催化和有机小分子催化两个角度出发,主要阐述了近年来烯烃的不对称双卤化反应的研究进展。
At present, nearly 5000 kinds of natural products have been found to contain one or more chiral halogen functional groups. The vast majority of these molecules are biologically active. In order to meet the demand for bioactivity research of these natural products, we urgently need to introduce chiral monohalide or polyhalide functional groups by synthetic methods. Accordingly, asymmetric halogenation of alkenes (including dihalogenation), as one of the most straightforward and effective approaches to access the chiral halogen functional groups, has attracted extensive attention from chemists in recent years. This paper focuses on the research progress of asymmetric dihalogenation reactions of alkenes in recent years from the perspectives of both metal-organic catalysis and organic small molecule catalysis. %K 不对称合成,双卤化,有机合成,催化
Asymmetric Synthesis %K Dihalogenation %K Organic Synthesis %K Catalysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89352