%0 Journal Article %T 间溴苯甲醛生产工艺的研究
Research on the Production Process of Meta Bromobenzaldehyde %A 朱瑞瑞 %A 张浩文 %A 胡晴 %A 杨俊逸 %A 方红新 %A 邵玉田 %J Journal of Organic Chemistry Research %P 231-235 %@ 2330-524X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jocr.2024.122020 %X 采用无水氯化铝作为催化剂、1,2-二氯乙烷作为反应溶剂,通过苯甲醛与干燥溴素经过芳环溴化反应,建立了间溴苯甲醛的高效生产工艺。通过单因素实验考察了反应物配比、催化剂种类及用量、溶剂用量和反应温度等因素对苯甲醛转化率及间溴苯甲醛收率的影响,结果表明,最佳工艺条件为:n (苯甲醛):n (溴素):n (无水三氯化铝) = 1:1.1:1.3,反应时间为6 h,反应温度为45℃。原料苯甲醛转化率达99%,产物间溴苯甲醛GC纯度99.5%、收率95%。本工艺步骤简洁、反应条件温和、反应时间短、副产物少和基本无污染,适合工业化生产应用。
An efficient production process of meta bromobenzaldehyde was established by using anhydrous aluminum chloride as a catalyst and 1,2-dichloroethane as a reaction solvent, through an aromatic bromination reaction between benzaldehyde and dry bromine. The effects of reactant ratio, catalyst type and dosage, solvent dosage, and reaction temperature on the conversion rate of benzaldehyde and the yield of meta bromobenzaldehyde were investigated through single factor experiments. The results showed that the optimal process conditions were: n (Benzaldehyde):n (Br2):n (anhydrous AlCl3) = 1:1.1:1.3, reaction time was 6 hours, and reaction temperature was 45?C. The conversion rate of raw material benzaldehyde reaches 99%, the purity of the product meta bromobenzaldehyde by GC is 99.5%, and the yield is 95%. This process features simple steps, mild reaction conditions, short reaction time, fewer by-products, and basically no pollution, making it suitable for industrial production applications. %K 苯甲醛,间溴苯甲醛,最佳工艺条件,工业化应用,研究
Benzaldehyde %K Meta Bromobenzaldehyde %K Optimal Process Condition %K Industrial Production Applications %K Research %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89353