%0 Journal Article %T Digital Storytelling as a New Narrative Technique in Short Videos Telling China Stories %A Rong Luo %A Rou Huang %A Ying Wang %A Liuhong Ru %J Advances in Journalism and Communication %P 246-257 %@ 2328-4935 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ajc.2024.122013 %X In the digital era, short videos have become an important medium for cultural communication, providing a more effective channel for telling China stories. However, few studies have explored the digital and narrative features of existing short videos introducing Chinese culture. This study develops a new digital storytelling approach combining the concept of intercultural communication in analyzing prize-winning short videos telling China stories produced by Chinese and international netizens. In terms of digital and technological elements in two short video prize winners, abundant digital resources, flexible shooting methods, and video editing techniques are employed. Both short videos construct China stories utilizing elements of traditional narrative competence, such as the point of view of Chinese culture learners and communicators, the content of their Chinese life, intangible cultural heritage and appropriate narrative rhythm. Both two prize-winning short videos demonstrate a balanced Chinese and international cultural awareness, in which they show a deep understanding of Chinese culture and comprehensive view of global cultures. %K Digital Storytelling %K Narration %K Short Videos %K Cultural Awareness %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=133866