%0 Journal Article %T 乡村振兴背景下全产业链旅游资源整合研究——以双一村为例
Research on Integration of Tourism Resources in the Whole Industry Chain under the Background of Rural Revitalization—Taking Shuangyi Village as an Example %A 夏竹林 %A 葛基媛 %A 孟雅 %A 王思雨 %A 王丹 %J World Economic Research %P 188-193 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wer.2024.132021 %X 全产业链理念的推进对乡村旅游、乡村振兴的发展具有重要意义。全产业链旅游资源整合能够有效提升区域的竞争力和可持续发展能力,为乡村旅游、乡村振兴注入新的活力。本文将运用全产业链理论,以双一村为例,通过分析双一村的自然和人文资源、存在的问题等现状,提出基于全产业链理念的乡村旅游优化策略,达到提升资源利用率、实现乡村振兴以及推动乡村旅游可持续发展的目的。
The promotion of the whole industry chain concept has significant effects on developing rural tourism and rural revitalization. The integration of tourism resources of the whole industry chain can effectively enhance regional competitiveness and sustainable development capacity, and inject new vitality into rural tourism and rural revitalization. Taking Shuangyi village as an example, this paper will apply the whole industry chain theory to propose rural tourism optimization strategies based on the whole industry chain concept through a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of natural and human resources and existing problems, so as to improve resource utilization, achieve rural revitalization and promote the sustainable development of rural tourism. %K 乡村振兴,乡村旅游,全产业链,旅游资源,资源整合
Rural Revitalization %K Rural Tourism %K Whole Industry Chain %K Tourism Resources %K Resource Integration %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89509