%0 Journal Article %T LiF对铝电解质熔盐性质的影响
The Effect of LiF on Properties of Aluminum Electrolyte Molten Salt %A 乔荣来 %A 陈昌 %A 韩泽勋 %J Metallurgical Engineering %P 92-100 %@ 2373-1486 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/meng.2024.112011 %X 铝电解质被誉为铝电解槽的“血液”,其熔盐物理化学特性,直接影响着铝电解工艺控制参数的设置、技术经济指标及其槽况等。本文针对我国部分铝电解槽电解质含锂现状,分别从铝电解质的初晶温度、氧化铝溶解度、密度等关键性质方面,详细阐述了锂盐富集对电解质熔盐性质的影响,以期为富锂电解槽工艺参数的设置与优化提供理论基础与指导。
Aluminum electrolyte is known as the “blood” of aluminium electrolyser, and its physical and chemical properties directly affect the setting of control parameters, technical and economic indicator and cell conditions of aluminum electrolysis process. In view of the current situation of lithium salt in electrolytes of some aluminum electrolytic cells in China. In this paper, the influence of lithium salt enrichment on the molten salt properties of electrolytes is described in detail in terms of key properties such as liquidus temperature, alumina solubility and density. In order to provide theoretical basis and guidance for the setting and optimization of process parameters of Li-rich electrolyser. %K 富锂电解质,电解质性质,初晶温度,氧化铝溶解度,密度
Lithium Rich Electrolyte %K Electrolyte Properties %K Liquidus Temperature %K Alumina Solubility %K Density %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89554