%0 Journal Article %T 基于鱼类生物完整性指数的独流减河水生态系统健康评价
Health Assessment of the Duliujian River Ecosystem Based on Fish Biodiversity Index %A 潘聪 %A 李安然 %A 任朝宇 %A 杨子涵 %A 孙金辉 %A 李楠 %J Open Journal of Fisheries Research %P 79-88 %@ 2373-1451 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ojfr.2024.112010 %X 2021年到2022年对独流减河水系鱼类进行调查。从种类组成与丰度、营养结构、环境耐受性、繁殖共位群四个方面构建独流减河水系鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)体系,通过1、3、5赋值法对独流减河水系水生态健康状况进行评价,从“极差”到“好”分为6个评价等级。本次调查共采集到鱼类3601尾,分别属于3目7科10属10种。F-IBI结果表明,独流减河水系的健康状况评价等级为“极差”到“好”,整体处在“一般~差”水平。洪涝灾害、水质污染、过度捕捞等人类活动是使得独流减河水系水生态系统健康水平处在较低水平的主要因素。
From 2021 to 2022, fish surveys will be conducted at 8 sampling points in the Duliujian River system. The fish Biological Integrity Index (F-IBI) system was constructed from the four aspects of species composition, abundance, nutrient structure, environmental tolerance and reproductive co-location. The water ecological health status of the Duliujian River system was evaluated by 1, 3 and 5 evaluation methods, and was divided into 6 evaluation levels from “very poor” to “good”. A total of 3601 fish belonging to 3 orders, 7 families, 10 genera and 10 species were collected in this survey. The F-IBI results show that the health status of Duliujian River system is rated from “very poor” to “good”, and the whole is at the level of “normal to poor”. Flood disaster, water pollution, overfishing and other human activities are the main factors that make the health level of the water ecosystem of Duliujian River system at a low level. %K 独流减河,鱼类,生物完整性指数,河流健康评价
Duliujian River %K Fish %K Biological Integrity Index %K River Health Assessment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89661