%0 Journal Article %T The Effect of Mineral Composition and Quantity of Fines on the Atterberg Limits and Compaction Characteristics of Soils %A Abdalhamid Musbah %A Muad Mohammed %A Adem Alfghia %J Open Journal of Civil Engineering %P 258-276 %@ 2164-3172 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojce.2024.142014 %X Because of the various elements that come into play in natural soil formation, the impact of varied proportions of mineral composition and fines amount on Atterberg limits and compaction characteristics of soils is not well known. Three distinct soil samples were used in this investigation. The findings indicated the effect of varied mineral composition proportions and fines amount on the liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index as assessed by the Casagrande test and hand-rolling method. The fluctuation of maximum dry density and optimal moisture content with these three soils has also been studied. Furthermore, correlations were established to indicate the compaction parameters and the amount of minerals and particles in the soil. The data show that the mineral content of the soil has a direct impact on the Atterberg limits and compaction characteristics. Soils containing larger percentages of expansive minerals, such as montmorillonite, have more flexibility and volume change capability. Mineral composition influences compaction parameters such as maximum dry density, ideal water content, axial strain, and axial stress. Soils with a larger proportion of fines, such as Soil 2 and Soil 3, have stronger flexibility and lower compaction qualities, with higher ideal water content and lower maximum dry density. Soil 1 has moderate flexibility and intermediate compaction qualities due to its low fines percentage. The effect of different mineral compositions and fines on the Atterberg limits and compaction characteristics of soils can be used to predict the behavior of compacted soils encountered in engineering practices, reducing the time and effort required to assess soil suitability for engineering use. %K Atterberg Limit %K Mineral Composition %K Quantity of Fines %K Maximum Dry Unit Weight %K Optimum Water Content %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=134249