%0 Journal Article %T Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence among Sex Workers in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR) %A D. Mossoro-Kpinde Hermione %A S. C. Diemer Henri %A R. Tende Nzengou Richard %A S. Siki Francis %A J. D. D. Tekpa Bertrand %J Advances in Sexual Medicine %P 13-20 %@ 2164-5205 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/asm.2024.142002 %X Background: Violence against women has become an international public health and human rights issue in recent decades. The violence suffered by sex workers is of little interest for research, yet it constitutes a major health and safety problem. We propose to assess the extent of the phenomenon of gender-based violence (GBV) among sex workers (SWs) in the city of Bangui in the CAR. Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional epidemiological study covering the period from July to October 2021 carried out among SWs in Bangui, the capital of the CAR. Given that the SWs association had only 159 members in Bangui, an exhaustive sampling was retained. Were included in the study, any SW present during the data collection period and having given their written consent. The parameters studied were socio-demographic characteristics: age, sex, residence, level of education, marital status, and characteristics linked to violence: the notion of violence during their professional activity, the type of violence, the declaration and the declaration if necessary, the response and management of this violence. The data collected was analyzed using Epi info version 7 software. Results: Of the 159 SWs that counted the association, 108 had been included. The average age was 27.0 years with extremes of 14 and 46 years. The age groups of 25 to 34 years were the most represented (43.5%). Fifty-six SWs (51.9%) had reached the secondary level. Unemployed SWs were in the majority at 74.1%; Sixty-six (66) SWs in our sample (61.1%) had already been victims of violence during the exercise of their activity Sexual violence was the most represented (28.5%) followed by verbal violence (22.4%). Sixty-eight (62.9%) wanted to stop the professional activity of SWs and 93.1% would accept another income-generating activity in place of sex work. Conclusion: It is necessary to supervise SWs and protect them within the framework of respect for human rights, rather than criminalizing them and the exploiters flouting their human dignity and putting their lives in danger. %K Female Sex Workers %K Gender-Based Violence %K Central African Republic %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=134178