%0 Journal Article %T 茚类衍生物的合成研究
Synthesis Studies of Indene Derivatives %A 丹智才让 %A 张虎虎 %A 张怡 %J Journal of Organic Chemistry Research %P 365-378 %@ 2330-524X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jocr.2024.122035 %X 茚是一种非常有用的多环芳烃,广泛存在于天然产物和药物分子中,在材料和金属催化等领域也有着广泛的应用。茚类衍生物的合成一直受到化学家的关注,迄今为止已有很多茚类衍生物的合成报道。因此,本文对近些年茚类衍生物的合成方法进行了综述,希望能为茚类衍生物的合成研究提供参考。
Indene is a highly useful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon that is commonly found in natural products and pharmaceutical molecules. It has a wide range of applications in the realms of materials science and metal catalysis. The synthesis of indene derivatives has long been a focus of chemists, and there have been numerous reports on the synthesis of various indene derivatives. Therefore, this paper reviews the synthetic methods of indene derivatives in recent years, hoping to provide a reference for the synthetic research of indene compounds. %K 茚类衍生物,多环芳烃,新型高效
Indene Derivatives %K Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon %K New and Efficient %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90212