%0 Journal Article %T 藻类作为生物标志物指示水环境变化的研究
Algae as Biomarkers Indicate Changes in the Water Environment %A 唐佳丽 %A 胡一晗 %A 刘洋 %A 兰聪 %A 徐金晶 %A 彭钰蓉 %A 黄澳 %A 谢翔宇 %A 侯建军 %J Open Journal of Fisheries Research %P 144-156 %@ 2373-1451 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ojfr.2024.112018 %X 以黄石磁湖为研究对象,基于高效液相色谱–化学分类法的光合色素分析手段以及多种水质综合评价方法,从多粒级角度比较处于不同营养状态的磁湖浮游植物多样性格局及其粒级演替规律,揭示浮游植物对环境因素变化的动态响应。结果显示:磁湖总磷的季节变化从小到大依次为春季、秋季、冬季、夏季。磁湖春季优势物种为裸藻,隐藻;夏季优势物种为隐藻;秋季优势物种为裸藻、隐藻、绿藻;冬季优势物种为裸藻、隐藻、蓝藻和硅藻。磁湖富营养化严重时隐藻含量明显较其他藻类多,湖泊内浮游植物种类丰富时水体富营养化程度较轻。Chl a、TN浓度超标是磁湖四季富营养化的主要原因。CODMn季节性变化影响浮游植物群落结构组成及演替,并与湖泊富营养化程度改变有密切联系。本研究为城市湖泊生态环境监测评估和修复治理提供了方法依据、数据参考和工作基础。
Based on the photosynthetic pigment analysis method of high performance liquid chromatography-chemical classification method and a variety of comprehensive water quality evaluation methods, this paper compares the diversity pattern and grain size succession of phytoplankton in different trophic states from the perspective of multiple grain sizes, and reveals the dynamic response of phytoplankton to changes of environmental factors. The results showed that the seasonal variation of total phosphorus in the magnetic lake was in spring, autumn, winter and summer. The dominant species in Cihu Lake were euglena and cryptoalgae in spring, cryptophytes in summer, euglena, cryptoalgae and green algae in autumn, and euglena, cryptoalgae, cyanobacteria and diatoms in winter. When the eutrophication of the lake is severe, the content of cryptoalgae is obviously more than that of other algae, and the eutrophication degree of the water body is less when the phytoplankton species in the lake are abundant. The excessive concentrations of Chl a and TN were the main reasons for the eutrophication of Cihu Lake in four seasons. The seasonal changes of CODMn affect the composition and succession of phytoplankton communities, and are closely related to the changes in the degree of eutrophication in lakes. This study provides a methodological basis, data reference and working basis for the monitoring, evaluation and restoration of urban lake ecological environment. %K 磁湖,浮游植物,HPLC-CHEMTAX,光合色素,生物多样性
Magnetic Lake %K Phytoplankton %K HPLC-CHEMTAX %K Photosynthetic Pigments %K Biodiversity %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90294