%0 Journal Article %T 高压天然气管线站场关键位置壁厚影响因素及监测研究
The Study on Influencing Factors and Monitoring of Wall Thickness at Key Locations of High-Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline Station %A 许钊 %A 李晖 %A 崔世界 %A 袁建伟 %A 赵兴 %A 穆建圣 %J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology %P 218-230 %@ 2471-7207 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jogt.2024.462028 %X 近年来,天然气管道的安全平稳运行成为整个社会关注的焦点问题。长输天然气管道大多为大口径、高压力管道,故其安运行全显得尤其关键。在高压天然气管输行业中,关键位置(弯头和三通)的壁厚由于气体的长期冲蚀会减薄,继而产生严重后果。故其壁厚监测是一项重点工作,但关键位置的影响因素、检测范围及监测的周期在行业内均没有相关的标准。为了研究上述内容,笔者应用Fluent仿真软件建立模型,然后结合现场数据进行模型修正模型,利用模型对关键位置的影响因素逐一进行分析,并选取较重要的影响因素;对不同管径、曲径比的检测位置受力区域进行研究并总结规律,并以此为依据确定检测范围及监测周期。以上研究成果可给现场运行人员日常工作提供参考,继而保证长输天然气管道安全平稳运行。
In recent years, the safe and stable operation of natural gas pipelines has become the focus of the whole society. Most long-distance natural gas pipelines are large-diameter and high-pressure pipelines, so their safe operation is particularly critical. In the high-pressure natural gas transmission industry, the wall thickness of key positions (elbows and tees) will be reduced due to the long-term erosion of gas, which will lead to serious consequences. Therefore, its wall thickness monitoring is a key work, but there are no relevant standards in the industry for the influencing factors, detection scope and monitoring period of key positions. In order to study the above contents, the author uses Fluent simulation software to build a model, and then combines the field data to modify the model. The model is used to analyze the influencing factors of key positions one by one, and select the more important influencing factors; the stress area of different pipe diameters and curvature ratios is studied and summarized, and the detection range and monitoring period are determined based on this. The above research results can provide reference for the daily work of field operators, and then ensure the safe and stable operation of long-distance natural gas pipelines. %K 长输天然气,影响因素,检测位置,监测周期,受力区域
Long-Distance Natural Gas %K Influencing Factors %K Detection Position %K Monitoring Period %K Stressed Area %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90392