%0 Journal Article %T 云南白药胶囊联合蒙脱石散交替治疗非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的临床观察
Clinical Observation of Yunnan Baiyao Capsule Combined with Montmorillonite Powder to Treat Non-Varvaricose Venis Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding %A 杨生 %A 陆廷飞 %A 梁高敏 %A 陆远凤 %A 高应印 %J Medical Diagnosis %P 214-220 %@ 2164-5418 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/md.2024.142032 %X 目的:探讨云南白药胶囊联合蒙脱石散交替治疗非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的临床疗效,进一步探究其机制,提高患者满意度。方法:采取随机数字表法,选择2023年3月份至2024年3月份在贵州省遵义市中医院收治的60名患者,奇数为对照组,偶数为观察组,两组分别为30人,对照组予808方案治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上使用云南白药胶囊联合蒙脱石散交替治疗。评估两组病人在治疗前与治疗后的各项指标,判断分析药物取得的临床疗效。结果:(1) 对照组的总有效率为86.21%,观察组总有效率为93.33%,两组相比较存在显著性差异(P < 0.05),因此可以得出,临床采用云南白药胶囊联合蒙脱石散治疗非静脉曲张性上消化道出血具有很好的疗效。(2) 两组患者治疗之前的症状总积分,不具有显著性差异;经治疗之后,观察组的症状总积分变化很大,两组之间存在显著性差异(P < 0.05)。(3) 在治疗前对照组和观察组的主要症状积分无差异性(P > 0.05),治疗后两组的主症(黑便、呕血)和次症(腹胀、胃脘痛、腹痛、肢软)等积分比较,数据指标显示观察组优于对照组,具有明显差异性(P < 0.05),证实观察组改善症状积分方面的效果比对照组更加有优势。结论:云南白药胶囊联合蒙脱石散交替治疗非静脉曲张性上消化道出血,能明显改善患者的临床症状,提升患者生活质量,节约患者的经济,值得临床广泛应用。
Objective: To explore the clinical efficacy of Yunnan Baiyao capsule combined with montmorillonite powder in the treatment of non-varvaricose venis upper gastrointestinal bleeding, further explore the mechanism and improve patient satisfaction. Methods: Adopt random number table method, choose in March 2023 to March 2024 in Guizhou province Zunyi hospital admitted 60 patients, odd for control group, even for observation group, two groups are 30 people, control group to 808 protocol treatment, observation group on the basis of the control group using Yunnan Baiyao capsule with montmorillonite powder alternate treatment. Assess the indicators before and after treatment in two groups, and judge the clinical efficacy of drugs. Results: (1) The total response rate of the control group was 86.21%, and the total response rate of the observation group was 93.33%. There was a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.05), so it can be concluded that the clinical use of Yunnan Baiyao capsule and montmorillonite powder in the treatment of non-varvaricose venis upper gastrointestinal bleeding has good efficacy. (2) The total symptom score of the two groups before the treatment showed no significant difference; after the treatment, there was a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.05). (3) in the control group and the observation group before the main symptom integral no difference (P > 0.05), after treatment of the two groups of main disease (black stool, vomiting) and secondary disease (abdominal distension, abdominal pain, abdominal pain, limb soft) points comparison, data index is better than the control group, with obvious difference (P < 0.05), confirmed that the observation group to improve symptoms integral effect more advantage than the control group. Conclusion: Yunnan Baiyao capsule combined with non-varvaricose venis upper gastrointestinal bleeding can %K 云南白药与蒙脱石散,上消化道出血,临床观察
Yunnan Baiyao and Montmorillonite Powder %K Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding %K Clinical Observation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90092