%0 Journal Article %T 基于UGC数据的广西桂林旅游目的地评价研究
A Study on the Evaluation of Tourism Destinations in Guilin, Guangxi Province Based on UGC Data %A 孙杰华 %A 王文芝 %A 张美 %A 汪宏平 %A 常书琪 %A 杜京泽 %J Geographical Science Research %P 548-562 %@ 2168-5770 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/gser.2024.133052 %X 随着网络信息技术的迅速发展与应用,更多旅游者使用网络资源平台分享旅行目的地相关资讯,而旅客利用攻略、景区评价等手段所得到的海量UGC数据,能够更有效反映其对旅行目的地的感知与评价。本文以广西桂林漓江、龙脊梯田、象鼻山、银子岩及遇龙河漂流五个景区为研究对象,运用Python、八爪鱼软件采集携程旅游平台UGC文本评论及游客的旅游信息用于构建旅游数据集并进行清洗处理。通过TF-IDF、Word2Vec及词云图等技术方法,结合ERNIE-BiLSTM-DPCNN模型,从语义特征关联分析、LDA主题模型特征分析以及语义情感词典分析研究影响广西旅游目的地游客的情感倾向的主要因素。结果表明,游客对广西桂林五个景区的整体满意度较高。对于遇龙河等消极情感比例较高的景区,相关部门应针对性地解决景区问题并定期检查改进措施的效果,以提升游客情感得分,进而推动广西桂林发展。最后,根据其中存在的问题对景区进行进一步管理、完善景区服务体系和提升游客满意度体验提出建议,为奋力打造世界级旅游城市提供理论基础与实证研究。
With the rapid development and application of network information technology, more tourists use network resource platforms to share information related to travel destinations, and the massive UGC data obtained by tourists using strategies and scenic spot evaluations can more effectively reflect their perception and evaluation of travel destinations. Taking five scenic spots of Lijiang River, Longji Terraces, Elephant Trunk Mountain, Yinziyan and Yulong River rafting in Guilin, Guangxi Province as the research objects, this paper used Python and Octopus software to collect UGC text comments and tourists’ travel information on Ctrip’s travel platform for construction of tourism datasets and cleaning and preprocessing. Based on TF-IDF, Word2Vec and word cloud diagrams, combined with the ERNIE-BiLSTM-DPCNN model, the main factors influencing the emotional tendency of tourists in Guangxi tourist destinations were studied from the perspective of semantic feature association analysis, LDA topic model feature analysis and semantic sentiment dictionary analysis. The results show that the overall satisfaction of tourists with the five scenic spots in Guilin, Guangxi Province is high. Finally, according to the existing problems, this paper puts forward suggestions for further management of scenic spots, improvement of scenic service system and improvement of tourist satisfaction experience, so as to provide a theoretical basis and empirical research for striving to build a world-class tourist city. %K UGC数据,广西旅游目的地,文本评论,情感倾向
UGC Data %K Guangxi Tourist Destinations %K Text Reviews %K Emotional Tendencies %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90125