%0 Journal Article %T 氧化铈纳米粒子锚定介孔生物活性玻璃复合粉体材料的制备与抗氧化性能表征
Preparation and Antioxidant Characterization of Mesoporous Bioactive Glass Composite Powders Anchored by Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles %A 付一敏 %A 付彪 %A 徐凯峰 %A 朱敏 %J Journal of Organic Chemistry Research %P 249-258 %@ 2330-524X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jocr.2024.122022 %X 氧化铈纳米颗粒(CNPs)因其Ce3+/Ce4+的可逆转换反应,能有效应对氧化应激,在生物医药领域展现出应用潜力。为抵御骨修复过程中氧化应激损害,本文通过水热法成功制备了平均粒径3~5 nm、单分散的CNPs,并利用酮缩硫醇(thioketals, TK)将其牢固地锚定在介孔生物活性玻璃(MBG)粉体材料表面,获得具有抗氧化应激性能的CNPs@MBG复合粉体材料。使用H2O2溶液来模拟活性氧(Reactive Oxygen Species, ROS)环境,对CNPs@MBG复合粉体的抗氧化特性进行了探讨。实验结果显示,CNPs@MBG复合粉体展现出优良的H2O2分解性能,有效降低了ROS水平,避免了氧化应激。随着CNPs锚定含量的增加,抗氧化效果更为显著。
Cerium oxide nanoparticles (CNPs) can effectively mitigate oxidative stress through the reversible Ce3+/Ce4+ conversion reaction, showing their potential application in the field of biomedicine. In order to resist oxidative stress during bone repair, monodisperse CNPs with an average particle size of 3-5 nm were successfully synthesized using a hydrothermal method in this study. The CNPs were then anchored onto the surface of mesoporous bioactive glass (MBG) powder materials via a thioketal (TK) linker, which thereby formed CNPs@MBG composite powders with antioxidant properties. The antioxidant capabilities of the CNPs@MBG composite powders were evaluated by subjecting them to an H2O2 solution to simulate a reactive oxygen species (ROS) environment. The results demonstrated that the CNPs@MBG performed high capabilities in decomposing H2O2, reducing ROS levels and preventing oxidative stress. Furthermore, as the anchoring content of CNPs increased, the antioxidant effect became more pronounced. %K 氧化铈,介孔生物活性玻璃,氧化应激,抗氧化,骨组织工程
Cerium Oxide %K Mesoporous Bioactive Glass %K Oxidative Stress %K Antioxidant %K Bone Tissue Engineering %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89852