%0 Journal Article %T 财政风险与金融风险交叉传导的路径研究
Research on the Path of Cross-Transmission of Fiscal Risk and Financial Risk %A 刘翠 %A 陈梦婷 %A 卢泼 %J Frontiers of International Accounting %P 382-389 %@ 2169-2580 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/fia.2024.133049 %X 防范化解系统性金融风险必须把握风险联结点及风险传导路径。本文从财政金融联结的角度,分析了财政风险与金融风险相互传导的路径。按照风险传导涉及的部门或微观主体,财政风险向金融风险传导的路径可大致归结为四类:地方财政风险→地方融资平台→金融风险、地方财政风险→房地产市场→金融风险、地方财政风险→商业银行等金融机构→金融风险、地方财政风险→实体经济部门等非金融企业→金融风险。金融风险向财政风险转换可大致归纳为以下三条路径:金融风险→银行等金融机构→地方财政风险、金融风险→实体企业→地方财政风险、金融风险→市场投资者→财政风险。明晰风险传导路径对于当前防范系统性风险,促进经济高质量发展意义重大。
To prevent and resolve systemic financial risks, it is necessary to grasp the risk connection points and risk transmission paths. From the perspective of fiscal and financial linkage, this paper analyzes the path of mutual transmission between fiscal risk and financial risk. According to the departments or micro entities involved in risk transmission, the path of financial risk transmission to financial risk can be roughly summarized into four categories: local fiscal risk → financial risk of local financing platform → local financial risk, local financial risk → real estate market → financial risk, local financial risk → financial risk of financial → institutions such as commercial banks, local financial risk → financial risk of non-financial enterprises such as real economic sectors, → financial risk of financial institutions such as commercial banks, local financial risk real economic sector. The transformation from financial risk to fiscal risk can be roughly summarized into the following three paths: financial risk → local fiscal risk → banks and other financial institutions, financial risk → local fiscal risk → entity enterprise, financial risk → financial risk → market investors. Clarifying the risk transmission path is of great significance for preventing systemic risks and promoting high-quality economic development. %K 地方债务风险,系统性风险,风险传染,金融风险,财政风险
Local Debt Risk %K Systemic Risk %K Risk of Contagion %K Financial Risk %K Fiscal Risk %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89842