%0 Journal Article %T 暴力、失语、迷惘:《掘墓人的女儿》中施瓦特一家的创伤与复原
Violence·Aphasia·Perplexity: The Trauma and Recovery of the Schwartzs in The Gravediggers Daughter %A 候晓乐 %J World Literature Studies %P 176-184 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.123027 %X 欧茨在小说《掘墓人的女儿》中,通过主人公丽贝卡的回忆,描绘了施瓦特一家逃亡到美国后所遭受的身心创伤以及自我重构。本文从赫尔曼的创伤理论来解读施瓦特夫妇、丽贝卡的创伤症状、丽贝卡如何实现创伤复原以及施瓦特夫妇复原失败的原因,再现小说中犹太身份的生存困境和精神异化,展现欧茨对犹太人命运的关切。
In the novel The Gravediggers Daughter, through the memories of the protagonist Rebecca, Oates describes the physical and mental trauma and self-reconstruction of the Schwarts after fleeing to the United States. From Herman’s trauma theory, this paper interprets the Schwarts, Rebecca’s trauma symptoms, how Rebecca achieves trauma recovery and the reasons for the Schwarts’ failure in recovery, reproduces the survival dilemma and spiritual alienation of the Jewish identity in this novel, and shows Oates’ concern for the fate of the Jews. %K 《掘墓人的女儿》,创伤理论,赫尔曼,复原
The Gravediggers Daughter %K Trauma Theory %K Herman %K Recovery %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89713