%0 Journal Article %T 生态、女性的生存之困——《荒野指南》的生态女性主义解读
The Survival Dilemmas of Ecology and Female—An Eco-Feminists Interpretation of Wilderness Tips %A 李沛华 %J World Literature Studies %P 185-191 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.123028 %X 玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)是一位享有盛名的加拿大女作家,其短篇小说集《荒野指南》鲜明地彰显了她的生态女性主义意识。本文以生态女性主义为理论框架,对《荒野指南》开展文本分析,探讨生态与女性之间的紧密联系,及这种联系如何遭到了父权制文化的严重冲击。研究发现,该书中存在着原始乡村被侵占,人类“造物”自毁等生态困境;以及职业不公歧视和性权力被剥夺等女性困境。父权制概念框架下对立的价值二元论、等级思维、权力和特权概念,以及统治逻辑共同导致自然环境的恶化和女性地位的边缘化。阿特伍德呼吁人们重新在人类和自然、男性和女性之间建立一种更加和谐、平等的新型关系。
Margaret Atwood is a famous Canadian woman writer. Her eco-feminism is clearly demonstrated in her short story collection Wilderness Tips. Based on the theoretical framework of eco-feminism, this paper conducts a textual analysis of the Wilderness Tips to explore the close connection between nature and women, and how this connection has been seriously impacted by patriarchal culture. The study found that there were ecological dilemmas in the book, such as the invasion by towns towards countryside and severe environmental pollution, as well as women’s dilemmas such as occupational discrimination and deprivation of sexual power. The opposing value dualism, hierarchical thinking, the concept of power and privilege, and the logic of domination in the conceptual framework of patriarchy jointly lead to the deterioration of the natural environment and the marginalization of women’s status. Atwood calls for a more harmonious and equal relationship between man and nature, between man and woman. %K 生态女性主义,父权制,生态,女性
Eco-Feminism %K Patriarchy %K Ecology %K Female %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89714