%0 Journal Article %T 《长日留痕》中的创伤与复原
Trauma and Recovery in The Remains of the Day %A 李佳 %J World Literature Studies %P 192-196 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.123029 %X 《长日留痕》是英国著名小说家石黑一雄的代表作,这部作品在对人物心理进行深入剖析的同时也刻画了战后英国腐朽的社会秩序。石黑一雄用写实的笔触,塑造了一个真实生动的英国管家形象,流露出他对英国昔日辉煌和贵族传统的怀念,以及对大英帝国衰落的反思。主人公史蒂文斯的伤痛经历牵动着无数读者的心。史蒂文斯最终是否摆脱了这些创伤,一直是人们热议的话题。文章试图运用文学创伤理论,解读史蒂文斯所经历的创伤及这些创伤给他带来的影响,并尝试对他最终是否成功从创伤中复原作出判断。
The Remains of the Day is a masterpiece written by the famous British novelist Kazuo Ishiguro, which portrays the decaying social order of post-war Britain while deeply analysing the psychology of the characters. Using realistic strokes, Kazuo Ishiguro portrays a vivid image of a British butler, showing his nostalgia for Britain’s former glory and aristocratic traditions, as well as his reflection on the decline of the British Empire. The traumatic experience of the main character Stevens touches the hearts of countless readers. Whether Stevens finally manages to get rid of these traumas has been a hotly debated topic. This essay attempts to apply literary trauma theory to interpret the traumas experienced by Stevens and the effects of these traumas on him, and tries to make a judgement on whether or not he ultimately succeeds in recovering from his traumas. %K 文学创伤理论,创伤与复原,长日留痕
Literary Trauma Theory %K Trauma and Recovery %K The Remains of the Day %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=89715