%0 Journal Article %T 数字金融发展对创业的影响效应:一个文献综述
The Impact Effect of Digital Finance Development on Entrepreneurship: A Literature Review %A 唐汁 %A 蒲艳 %J World Economic Research %P 217-221 %@ 2167-6615 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wer.2024.132025 %X 创新创业是新时代推动我国经济高质量发展的重要动力,数字金融因其降低金融服务门槛、缓解创业过程中的融资约束和信息约束等显著优势,引起学术界的广泛关注。本文首先梳理了数字金融对创业的影响机制,包括对创业动机、创业资金以及创业市场环境的影响;其次,分别从微观个体、区域经济以及数字金融发展水平角度归纳了创业者使用数字金融进行创业的影响因素;然后概括了数字金融对创业行为和创业结果的经验研究,总结了数字金融对创业的促进作用。本文认为,从微观角度分析数字金融对不同类型个体或聚焦某个具体行业的创业效应、创业差距;研究数字金融使用者提升创业质量的路径;探讨数字金融对创业是否存在负面影响等,将是后续的重点研究方向。
Innovation and entrepreneurship are important driving forces for the high-quality development of China’s economy in the new era. Digital finance has attracted widespread attention from the academic community due to its significant advantages in reducing the threshold for financial services and alleviating financing and information constraints during the entrepreneurial process. This article first outlines the impact mechanism of digital finance on entrepreneurship, including its impact on entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial funds, and the entrepreneurial market environment. Secondly, the influencing factors of entrepreneurs using digital finance for entrepreneurship were summarized from the perspectives of micro individuals, regional economy, and the level of digital finance development. Then, it summarizes the empirical research on the impact of digital finance on entrepreneurial behavior and outcomes, and summarizes the promoting effect of digital finance on entrepreneurship. This article believes that from a micro perspective, analyzing the entrepreneurial effects and gaps of digital finance on different types of individuals or focusing on a specific industry; researching the path for digital finance users to improve the quality of entrepreneurship; and exploring whether digital finance has a negative impact on entrepreneurship will be a key research direction in the future. %K 数字金融,创业,融资约束,创新
Digital Finance %K Entrepreneurship %K Financing Constraints %K Innovation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90811