%0 Journal Article %T 储层预测技术应用于合川–潼南地区下二叠统茅口组勘探
Application of Reservoir Prediction Technique in Exploration of Maokou Formation of Lower Permian in Hechuan-Tongnan Area %A 金利洪 %A 周艳平 %A 王显东 %A 鞠林波 %A 李艳杰 %A 许玲 %A 崔瑞华 %J Journal of Oil and Gas Technology %P 262-274 %@ 2471-7207 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/jogt.2024.462033 %X 四川盆地川中合川–潼南地区下二叠统栖霞、茅口组薄层灰云岩由于自身的沉积相带及岩溶古地貌差异导致储层非均质性强、厚度差异大、物性较差、埋藏深且跨度大等因素,给大庆油田的川渝勘探团队带来困难。海相碳酸盐岩缝洞处理技术近年来已经成为了四川盆地储层预测的热点与亮点。单井高保真保幅宽频处理、古地貌岩溶精细刻画、有利沉积储层相带预测以及均方根振幅属性储层反演预测等多维度地震储层处理技术是川中地区勘探方向的突破口。宽频成像精度是储层预测技术对地震资料高保真高保幅考核的重要指标。储层地震资料解释方面,以精细描述云岩储层为目标,综合考虑断裂、岩溶等因素,预测有利区和优选目标。在断裂对储层的控制作用、沉积对储层的控制作用、成岩对储层的控制作用、岩溶对储层的控制作用研究基础上(四元控储);结合典型 + 井解剖、储层–预测,划分有利区带,优选有利井位目标。对合川–潼南地区茅二段白云岩、灰云岩储层进行精细解释与优选,优选出了10个白云岩、灰云岩储层风洞体发育区,该有利区指导了合川潼南研究区勘探部署,新钻井结果获得了超过15口百万方以上的预探井,为提交千亿方天然气探明储量提供了扎实的地震勘探技术,也为下一步合川 + 潼南地区常规油气勘探开发及综合地质研究提供了有力的技术支撑和勘探启示。
The Lower Permian Qixia and Maokou Formation thin lime-cloud rocks in Hechuan and Tongnan area of middle Sichuan Basin, due to their sedimentary facies zones and karst paleo-geomorphology differences, have strong reservoir heterogeneity, large thickness differences, poor physical properties, deep burial depth and large span, etc., which bring difficulties to the Sichuan-Chongqing exploration team in Daqing oilfield. Marine carbonate fracture-cavern treatment technology has become a hot spot and bright spot in reservoir prediction in Sichuan Basin in recent years. The multi-dimensional seismic reservoir processing techniques, such as high-fidelity and amplitude-preserving broadband processing of single well, fine characterization of paleo-geomorphic karst, favorable sedimentary reservoir facies zone prediction and RMS amplitude attribute reservoir inversion prediction, are the breakthrough in the exploration direction of central Sichuan. The accuracy of broadband imaging is an important index for evaluating the high fidelity and amplitude preservation of seismic data by reservoir prediction technology. In the interpretation of reservoir seismic data, the objective is to accurately describe the cloud rock reservoir, comprehensively consider the fault, karst and other factors, predict the favorable area and select the target. Based on the research of the control effects of fractures, sedimentation, diagenesis, and karst on reservoirs (quadruple-factor reservoir control), combined with the analysis of typical wells and reservoir prediction, favorable zones are divided and favorable well targets are selected. Through detailed interpretation and optimization of dolomite and gray dolomite reservoirs in the second section of Maoer in Hechuan-Tongnan area, 10 dolomite and gray dolomite reservoir cave development areas have been selected. These favorable areas have guided the exploration deployment of the research area in Hechuan-Tongnan, and the results of new drilling wells have yielded more than 15 pre-exploration wells with a %K 茅口组,灰云岩储层,敏感属性,宽频处理,地震相预测,常规油气,勘探启示
Maokou Formation %K Gray Dolomite Reservoir %K Sensitive Attribute %K Broadband Processing %K Seismic Phases Prediction %K Conventional Oil and Gas %K Exploration Enlightenment %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90518