%0 Journal Article %T 《在伊犁》中的多元音景探究
Exploring the Multiple Soundscape in “In Ili” %A 陈颖 %J World Literature Studies %P 233-239 %@ 2330-5266 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/wls.2024.123035 %X 《在伊犁》记录了王蒙在伊犁十六年的日常生活,其中的自然声响与世俗之声都构成了作品里多元丰富的声音景观,且彼此之间互相交织,互相补充,文章试图通过追索王蒙对声音的应用场合与叙事,分析文本中的音景建构及其特点,再结合作者个人经历,挖掘背后所蕴藏的个人独特经历与思绪,感受其传达的关于生死、历史之间的哲思。
“In Ili” records Wang Meng’s daily life in Ili for sixteen years, in which natural and secular sounds constitute a diverse and rich sound landscape in the work, intertwined and complementary to each other. The article attempts to trace Wang Meng’s application and narrative of sound, analyze the construction and characteristics of the sound scene in the work, and combine the author’s personal experience to explore the unique personal experiences and thoughts hidden behind it, feel the philosophical thoughts it conveys about life and death and history. %K 王蒙,《在伊犁》,声音景观
Wang Meng %K “In Ili” %K Soundscape %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90961