%0 Journal Article %T 观形与悟理:华嵒《天山积雪图》图像叙事研究
Viewing Form and Understanding Reason: A Study of Image Narration in Hua’s Snow Cover in the Tianshan Mountains %A 林赛娅 %J Art Research Letters %P 121-126 %@ 2326-3482 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/arl.2024.133018 %X 华嵒一生跌宕起伏,常通过绘画作品自喻,晚年所创的《天山积雪图》就是典型代表。独特狭长的构图呈现、夸张流畅的画面形象为作者的自我表达奠定基础,画面中的各意象隐喻,皆能体现华嵒所追求的文人修养。本文以《天山积雪图》个案视角切入,试通过历代山水人物画中的山水人物主客流变现象,揭示该图的重要性。后结合华嵒晚年绘画风格对画面各要素进行分析,总结其表象特点,在此基础上进一步探讨各要素的实质内涵。
Hua’s life was full of ups and downs, and he often compared himself through his paintings. The Snow Cover in the Tianshan Mountains created in his later years is a typical representative. The unique long and narrow composition and the exaggerated and fluent picture image lay the foundation for the author’s self-expression, and the image metaphors in the picture can reflect the literati accomplishment that Hua pursues. This paper tries to reveal the importance of the picture from the perspective of the case of Snow Cover in the Tianshan Mountains through the changes of the subject and object of landscape figures in landscape figure paintings of past Dynasties. After that, the elements of the picture are analyzed in combination with the painting style of Hua’s later years. On the basis of summarizing the characteristics of its representation, the essence of each element is further discussed. %K 华嵒,《天山积雪图》,表象特点,意象内涵
Hua %K Snow Cover in the Tianshan Mountains %K Image Characteristics %K Image Connotation %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=90988