%0 Journal Article %T 洞口县非洲猪瘟早期拔牙技术规范
Technical Specifications for Early Tooth Extraction of African Swine Fever in Dongkou County %A 刘谋春 %J Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine %P 64-68 %@ 2169-8902 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/acrpvm.2024.133011 %X 文章总结了洞口县三星牧业非洲猪瘟早期拔牙成功案例和前人非洲猪瘟早期拔牙成功案例,洞口县收集非洲猪瘟早期拔牙案例13例,成功6例,成功率46.2%。总结了非洲猪瘟早期拔牙技术的应用经验,制订了检测及风险区划分、阳性栋舍处置、复检阴性健康猪及时转移或销售、阳性栋舍生产静默管理等《洞口县非洲猪瘟早期拔牙技术规范》。学习前人拔牙成功经验和贯彻“早、准、狠、静、提”五字方针,开展非洲猪瘟早期拔牙工作,供同行参考。
The article summarizes the successful cases of early extraction of African swine fever teeth by Sanxing Animal Husbandry in Dongkou County and previous successful cases of early extraction of African swine fever teeth. Dongkou County collected 13 cases of early extraction of African swine fever teeth, with 6 successful cases and a success rate of 46.2%. The application experience of early tooth extraction technology for African swine fever was summarized, and the “Technical Specification for Early Tooth Extraction of African Swine Fever in Dongkou County” was formulated, including detection and risk zone division, disposal of positive buildings, timely transfer or sale of negative healthy pigs for retesting, and silent management of production in positive buildings. Learning from the successful experience of previous tooth extraction and implementing the five character policy of “early, accurate, ruthless, quiet, and lifting”, early tooth extraction work for African swine fever is carried out, which can provide reference for the peer. %K 非洲猪瘟,早期拔牙,案例,技术规范
African Swine Fever %K Early Tooth Extraction %K Case Studies %K Technical Specifications %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=91024