%0 Journal Article %T 洞口县牛主要疫病防治技术规范
Technical Specifications for the Prevention and Control of Major Diseases in Cattle in Dongkou County %A 王花娥 %J Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine %P 82-87 %@ 2169-8902 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/acrpvm.2024.133014 %X 洞口县2021年收集8年来牛焦虫病17个病例,牛附红细胞体病19个病例、牛瘤胃臌气病7个病例、牛运输应激综合征24个病例、牛酒糟中毒型瘤胃积食21个病例,共牛疫病88个病例发病牛709头,治愈636头,总治愈率89.7%。用贝尼尔治疗牛羊焦虫病、附红细胞体病,治愈率93.2%。用制酵剂疗法和套管针穿刺疗法治疗牛瘤胃臌气病,治愈率84.3%。用碳酸氢钠中和酒糟酸性物质、用大黄、芒硝泻下消食治疗牛酒糟中毒型瘤胃积食,治愈率88.1%。制订了《洞口县牛主要疫病防治技术规范》,组织实施,取得较好的牛主要疫病防治效果。并对国内报道牛的疫病防治方法和效果进行了研究,供同行参考。
In 2021, Dongkou County collected 17 cases of bovine pyrozoosis, 19 cases of bovine erythrozoosis, 7 cases of bovine rumen distension, 24 cases of bovine transport stress syndrome, and 21 cases of bovine distiller’s grains poisoning type rumen accumulation in the past 8 years. A total of 88 cases of bovine disease occurred in 709 cows, with 636 cows cured and a total cure rate of 89.7%. The cure rate of using Bernier to treat cattle and sheep pyrozoosis and eperythrozoosis was 93.2%. The treatment of bovine rumen distension with enzyme therapy and puncture trocar puncture therapy resulted in a cure rate of 84.3%. Neutralizing the acidic substances in distiller’s grains with sodium bicarbonate, and using rhubarb and mirabilite to treat rumen accumulation caused by cow’s distiller’s grains poisoning, the cure rate was 88.1%. We have formulated the Technical Specifications for the Prevention and Control of Major Diseases in Cattle in Dongkou County, organized its implementation, and achieved good results in the prevention and control of major diseases in cattle, and conducted research on the prevention and control methods and effects of diseases reported in domestic cattle, for reference by peers. %K 牛,布鲁氏菌病,焦虫病,瘤胃臌气病,酒糟中毒型瘤胃积食,防治技术规范
Cattle %K Brucellosis %K Pyrochondriasis %K Rumen Distension %K Distiller’s Grains Poisoning Type Rumen Accumulation %K Prevention and Control Technical Specifications %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=91027