%0 Journal Article %T 反井钻机扩孔施工破碎地层临时支护材料研制
Development of Temporary Support Material for Broken Formation in Reaming Construction of Raise-Hole Drilling Rig %A 周明 %A 马灵姬 %J Mine Engineering %P 358-363 %@ 2329-731X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/me.2024.123042 %X 本文通过试验研究,研制出了的反井钻机扩孔施工破碎地层临时支护材料。该支护材料为AB型复合胶凝支护材料,用于反井扩孔施工过程中围岩的及时封闭。文中确定了支护材料各组成成分的最终配比,且现场施工中采用该支护材料进行围岩封闭取得了良好的使用效果。本文研究成果填补了反井钻井工艺在随钻临时支护方面的技术缺口,对反井钻井工艺的应用起到了巨大的推动作用。
In this paper, a temporary supporting material for broken formation in reaming construction of anti-well drilling rig has been developed through experimental research. The supporting material is AB-type composite cementitious supporting material, which is used to seal the surrounding rock in time in the process of reaming construction. The final proportion of each component of the support material is determined in the paper, and good effect is achieved by using the support material to seal the surrounding rock in the field construction. The research results of this paper fill up the technical gap of temporary support while drilling in anti-well drilling technology, and promote the application of anti-well drilling technology greatly. %K 反井钻井,破碎地层,临时支护,围岩封闭
Anti-Well Drilling %K Fractured Formation %K Temporary Support %K Wall Rock Sealing %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=91009