%0 Journal Article %T 浅谈基层动物检疫工作中存在的问题及建议——以湖南省双峰县为例
On the Problems and Suggestions in Grassroots Animal Quarantine Work—Taking Shuangfeng County, Hunan Province as an Example %A 戴超平 %J Asian Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine %P 103-110 %@ 2169-8902 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/acrpvm.2024.133017 %X 双峰县2023年屠宰场检疫员每人每天检疫生猪37.7头,双峰县检疫申报点检疫员每人每天产地检疫生猪44.1头。2023年双峰县动物检疫员(官方兽医)年龄结构为:29岁以下为0,30~39岁为2人占比4.1%,40~49岁为23人占比46.9%,50岁以上为24人占比49.0%。检疫员面临工作量大和责任重的双重压力、人员结构老龄化,专业技术人员梯队和技术骨干出现断层的挑战。作者总结了前人检疫工作经验,指出基层动物检疫工作面临的挑战,动物检疫意识薄弱、应急处理以及检疫人才流失等。聚焦湖南地区基层动物检疫工作的现状,深度剖析存在的问题与难点,并结合实际工作提出改进建议,旨在为推进基层动物检疫工作的高效运行提供参考决策。
In 2023, each slaughterhouse quarantine officer in Shuangfeng County will quarantine 37.7 pigs per day, and each quarantine declaration point inspection officer in Shuangfeng County will quarantine 44.1 pigs per day from the place of origin. The age structure of animal quarantine officers (official veterinarians) in Shuangfeng County in 2023 is as follows: 0 for those under 29 years old, 2 for those between 30~39 years old, accounting for 4.1%, 23 for those between 40~49 years old, accounting for 46.9%, and 24 for those over 50 years old, accounting for 49.0%. Quarantine personnel face the dual pressure of heavy workload and heavy responsibility, aging personnel structure, and the challenge of gaps in the professional and technical personnel team and technical backbone. The author summarizes the experience of previous quarantine work and points out the challenges faced by grassroots animal quarantine work, such as weak animal quarantine awareness, emergency response, and loss of quarantine talents. Focusing on the current situation of grassroots animal quarantine work in Hunan region, this study deeply analyzes the existing problems and difficulties, and proposes improvement suggestions based on actual work, aiming to provide reference decision-making for promoting the efficient operation of grassroots animal quarantine work. %K 双峰县,基层,动物检疫,挑战,问题,建议
Shuangfeng County %K Grassroots %K Animal Quarantine %K Challenge %K Problem %K Proposal %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=91049