%0 Journal Article %T “Active Feedback” Fitbit-Based Physical Activity and Sleep Hygiene Intervention for Memory Assessment Service (MAS) Patients with Cognitive Deficits: Feasibility, Acceptability, Sleep Quality, Stress, and Wellbeing Outcomes %A Chris Griffiths %A Farah Hina %A Chee Siang Ang %A Louise Birkett-Swan %A Casey Bonham %A Lauren Currell %A Emily Ward %A Natasha Stace-Wood %A Jessica Plumbridge %J Advances in Aging Research %P 61-74 %@ 2169-0502 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/aar.2024.134005 %X Research Background: Compared to the general population, people experiencing age-related cognitive decline are more likely to have low levels of physical activity and sleep problems. Sufficient physical activity and quality sleep are protective factors against cognitive decline and poor health and can improve coping with stressors. The “Active Feedback” intervention comprises a wearable activity and sleep tracker (Fitbit), access to Fitbit software healthy lifestyle software apps; one session with Memory Assessment Service (MAS) staff providing physical activity and sleep hygiene advice and two further engagement, discussion, and feedback sessions. Purpose/Aim: This study investigates the acceptability and feasibility of Active Feedback and the effect on stress, mental wellbeing, and sleep quality, and the links between these factors. Methods: An open-label patient cohort design with no control group was used. Pre-intervention, 4-week and 8-week intervention assessments were performed using participant self-report measures: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), and Sleep Conditioning Index (SCI). Twenty-five participants completed an eight-week three-session intervention (18 males and 7 females), with the age range of 66 - 84 years old, and average age of 73.8 years (SD = 5.09). Fifteen participants had a diagnosis of MCI, ten participants did not. Results: There were non-significant improvements in SCI scores from 21.0 (SD = 8.84) to 21.6 (SD = 6.20) at 8 weeks, PSS scores from 17.5 (SD = 5.89) to 17.0 (SD = 6.20) at 8 weeks, and WEMWBS scores from 46.9 (SD = 9.23) to 48.8 (SD = 9.69) at 8 weeks. There were negative correlations between WEMWBS and PSS. Conclusion: Active Feedback intervention was found to be feasible and acceptable. Active Feedback could be enhanced to include motivational interviewing and goal setting. %K Fitbit %K Tracker %K MCI %K Exercise %K Insomnia %K Physical Activity %K Wearables %K Sleep %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=134377