%0 Journal Article %T 智能时代财务人员的转型研究
Research on the Transformation of Financial Personnel in the Intelligent Era %A 罗艳铤 %J Service Science and Management %P 394-398 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ssem.2024.134049 %X 随着智能化技术的快速发展和普及,传统财务工作正面临前所未有的挑战和变革。为适应智能化发展趋势,财务人员需进行必要的转型。文章从四个角度分析了转型的必要性,并指出了财务人员转型的三个主要方向:向管理型财务转型,向业财融合型财务转型,和向共享型财务转型。同时,文章还详细阐述了财务人员转型的路径,包括明确自身发展定位、提升相关技能和知识,以及积极参与企业决策等。通过这些转型措施,财务人员将能更好地适应智能时代的要求,为企业创造更大价值,实现个人与企业的共同发展。
With the rapid development and widespread adoption of intelligent technology, traditional financial work is facing unprecedented challenges and changes. In order to adapt to the trend of intelligent development, financial personnel need to undergo necessary transformation. The paper analyzes the necessity of transformation from four perspectives and identifies three main directions for financial personnel transformation: transitioning to managerial finance, transitioning to integrated business finance, and transitioning to shared finance. Additionally, the paper elaborates on the path of financial personnel transformation including clarifying their own developmental positioning, improving relevant skills and knowledge, as well as actively participating in corporate decision-making. Through these transformative measures, financial personnel will be better equipped to adapt to the requirements of the intelligent era, create greater value for enterprises, and achieve mutual development for individuals and enterprises. %K 智能时代,财务人员转型,业财融合
Intelligent Era %K Financial Personnel Transformation %K Integration of Industry and Finance %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=91162