%0 Journal Article %T Left Hemispherical Subdural Hematoma on the Same Side as the Motor Deficit (Kernohan) %A Mohamed Cherif %A Ibrahima Berete %A Souare I. S. Junior %A Alpha Boubacar Bah %A Seylan Diawara %A Boubacar A. Dramé %A Aboubacar M. Camara %A Elisabeth Traore %A Mohamed L. Sylla %A Oumar Sow %A Luc K. Beavogui %A Ibrahima S. Souare %J Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery %P 212-217 %@ 2163-0585 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ojmn.2024.143022 %X Chronic subdural hematoma represents 25% of traumatic subdural collections; common in elderly subjects with a clear male predominance. It occurs over the age of 50 in more than 90% of cases and 50% of patients have no history of head trauma even if the latter remains the main risk factor with others such as coagulopathy, anticoagulant treatment, chronic alcoholic poisoning. Its discovery is rarely fortuitous and has an important clinical polymorphism including an intracranial hypertension syndrome (complete or incomplete). We report a clinical case of a left hemispheric subacute subdural hematoma with post-traumatic falcorial involvement in a 70-year-old patient admitted with a picture of impaired consciousness and weakness of the left hemibody. The objective of this work is to draw the attention of neurosurgeons and neurologists to the paradoxical existence of the neurological deficit on the same side as the causal brain lesion. %K Subdural Hematoma %K Kernohan %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=134464