%0 Journal Article %T 智慧水利大数据平台建设
Construction of a Smart Water Conservancy Big Data Platform %A 乐伊雄 %A 李成易 %A 王瑜 %J Service Science and Management %P 409-413 %@ 2324-7916 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/ssem.2024.134051 %X 鉴于当前水旱灾害频发和城乡供水紧张的严峻形势,本文以十堰市丹江口水库研究为例,提出构建“智慧水利大数据平台”,该平台以城乡水利工程与资源保护建设为核心,通过分析利用实时的水利大数据,促进水利设施与新型基础设施的深度融合,从而推动水利工程信息化和智能化发展,实现智慧供水、智慧排水和智慧节水的目标。此举不仅有助于提升水利管理水平,也为实现绿色、生态、高质量发展道路贡献策略。
Given the frequent occurrence of water and drought disasters and the severe situation of tight urban and rural water supply, this article takes the study of Danjiangkou Reservoir in Shiyan City as an example to propose the construction of a “smart water conservancy big data platform”. The platform focuses on urban and rural water conservancy engineering and resource protection construction. By analyzing and utilizing real-time water conservancy big data, it promotes the deep integration of water conservancy facilities and new infrastructure, thereby promoting the informatization and intelligent development of water conservancy engineering, and achieving the goals of smart water supply, smart drainage, and smart water-saving. This not only helps to improve the level of water management, but also contributes to the strategy of achieving green, ecological, and high-quality development. %K 智慧水利,水利信息化,水利管理,Al大模型,云平台
Smart Water Conservancy %K Water Conservancy Information %K Water Resources Management %K AI Model %K Cloud Platform %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=91289