%0 Journal Article %T 基于可拓TOPSIS和集对分析的飞行程序评价模型
Flight Program Evaluation Model Based on Extension TOPSIS and Set Pair Analysis %A 冉祥来 %J Hans Journal of Data Mining %P 179-188 %@ 2163-1468 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/hjdm.2024.143017 %X 飞行程序设计的优劣将决定终端区的飞行安全和效率,故其评估至关重要。本文从安全性、经济性、管制员指挥复杂性、环境影响等方面出发,建立了飞行程序的评价指标体系。鉴于部分指标的数据采集技术难、可靠性低和成本高等缺陷,指标类型涉及确定、区间、语言和随机型等,针对既有评价方法无法较好处理部分指标的确定和不确定性,以及指标之间的矛盾、冲突、对立问题,通过融合集对分析、可拓物元理论和TOPSIS方法,构建了考虑混合指标的可拓TOPSIS和集对分析评价模型,将全部指标类型转化为联系数,在计算各个飞行程序物元与正负理想程序物元的可拓联系数距离基础上,得到了各个飞行程序物元的联系数贴近度。最后,以某机场的飞行程序设计为例,分析了不同联系数取值范围对多个飞行程序的优劣排序影响,并与传统模型进行对比分析,从而验证了模型的合理性和有效性。
The quality of flight program design directly affects the flight safety, efficiency and capacity of the terminal area, so the evaluation of flight program is very important. In this paper, the evaluation index system of flight procedures is established from the aspects of safety, economy, complexity of controller command and environmental impact. In view of the difficulties in data acquisition technology, low reliability and high cost of some indicators, the type of indicators involves determination, interval, language and random variables. Aiming at the problems that the existing evaluation methods can not deal with the determination and uncertainty of some indexes well, as well as the contradictions, conflicts and opposites among indexes, by integrating set pair analysis, extension matter element theory and TOPSIS method, the evaluation models of extension TOPSIS and set pair analysis considering mixed indexes are constructed. In this method, all index types were converted into relation numbers. On the basis of calculating the extended relation number distance between the matter elements of each flight program and the matter elements of positive and negative ideal programs, the relation number closeness degree of each flight program was obtained. Finally, taking the flight program design of a airport as an example, this paper analyzes the influence of different connection number value range on the sequencing of multiple flight programs, and compares it with the traditional model, so as to verify the rationality and effectiveness of the model. %K 航空运输,飞行程序评估,可拓TOPSIS,集对分析
Air Transport %K Flight Procedure Assessment %K Extension TOPSIS %K Set Pair Analysis %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=91742