%0 Journal Article %T 不同环境控制棒包壳–平面微动磨损有限元分析
Finite Element Analysis of Fretting Wear on Control Rod Cladding and Plane under Varying Environments %A 陈浩 %A 刘维超 %A 辜培勇 %A 李长征 %A 吴迪 %A 周宣朴 %A 宋子凡 %J Nuclear Science and Technology %P 171-184 %@ 2332-712X %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/nst.2024.123018 %X 控制棒包壳的磨损问题在核反应堆的安全运行中扮演着至关重要的角色。本研究旨在深入探讨控制棒包壳的磨损机制及其影响因素,以提高反应堆的安全性和性能。本研究基于E. Marc等试验测量的摩擦系数和磨损系数,利用商业有限元分析软件ABAQUS,建立了控制棒包壳与接触区域的模型。分析过程中,采用能量磨损模型,同时借助UMESHMOTION子程序和ALE自适应网格方法,实现了磨损表面的动态更新。在确保计算结果准确性的前提下,对比了二维与三维模型,最终选择了计算效率更高的二维模型进行分析。本研究进一步探讨了加速因子、摩擦系数和分析步长对计算结果的影响,确立了合理的参数设置,为控制棒磨损演化规律的研究提供了基础。通过对不同工况下磨损深度分析,得出了如下主要结论:适当的液体润滑对于减少包壳磨损非常重要。研究结果不仅直观地展示了不同环境下的控制棒包壳磨损行为,而且为控制棒寿命预测和优化设计提供了宝贵的基础。
The wear of control rod cladding plays a crucial role in the safe operation of nuclear reactors. This study aims to delve into the mechanisms of control rod cladding wear and its influencing factors to enhance reactor safety and performance. Utilizing friction and wear coefficients measured in experiments by E. Marc et al., a wear analysis model between control rod cladding and the contact area was established using the finite element analysis software ABAQUS. An energy model was applied, combined with the UMESHMOTION subroutine and ALE adaptive meshing method to achieve dynamic updating of the worn surface. After comparing two-dimensional and three-dimensional models, the more computationally efficient two-dimensional model was selected for analysis. Furthermore, this study explored the impacts of acceleration factors, friction coefficients, and analysis step sizes on computational results, establishing rational parameter settings and laying the groundwork for studying the evolution of control rod wear. Through analysis of wear depth under various work conditions, the following conclusions were drawn: Proper liquid lubrication is highly significant in reducing cladding wear. The research results not only intuitively demonstrate the cladding wear behavior of control rod cladding under different environments but also provide valuable references for predicting the lifespan and optimizing the design of control rod cladding. %K 磨损,控制棒,有限元
Wear %K Control Rod %K Finite Element Method %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=91725