%0 Journal Article %T Assessing the Influence of Phosphorus Fertilization on the Growth and Yield of Maize/Soybean Intercrop by Analyzing Nitrogen Uptake %A Bertha Magombo %A Chunjie Li %A Benjamin Kolie %J Natural Resources %P 189-210 %@ 2158-7086 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/nr.2024.158013 %X Intercropping, particularly the combination of maize and soybeans, has been widely recognized for its potential to improve nitrogen uptake and promote sustainable agriculture. This study examines the patterns of nitrogen uptake in maize and soybean intercropping systems under different growth stages and phosphorus fertilization levels and investigates the influence of nitrogen uptake on growth parameters such as plant height, leaf area, and biomass accumulation in the maize/soybean intercrop under different phosphorus fertilization regimes. The study also collected chlorophyll samples at different growth stages of maize in monoculture and intercropping with maize or soybean. The results showed that plant height was greater in V10 in both fertilized and unfertilized treatments for intercropped maize and soybean, and chlorophyll concentration was higher in VT intercropped maize. The results also showed a higher accumulation of biomass. Understanding the growth dynamics of these plants in monoculture and intercropping systems and the impact of fertilization practices is crucial for optimizing crop productivity and sustainability in agricultural systems. %K Intercropping %K Fertilization %K Chlorophyll %K Maize/Soybeans %K Nitrogen %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=135050