%0 Journal Article %T Building Trainer Competencies and Skills for Quality Training Delivery in TVET Schools, Rwanda %A Sylvestre Niyonasenze %A Wenceslas Nzabalirwa %A Gabriel Nizeyimana %J Advances in Physical Education %P 94-118 %@ 2164-0408 %D 2024 %I Scientific Research Publishing %R 10.4236/ape.2024.143008 %X The Rwanda TVET policy highlights the country’s ambition of developing TVET system that will be able to realize competent graduates with skills needed to fill the gap at the labor market. Despite the commitment of the government to develop and improve the TVET system, the country still faces serious gaps in terms of technical skilled and a trained labor force. The overall objective of this study was to explore the contribution of Continuous Professional Development to quality training provision in Technical and Vocational Education and Training schools in Rwamagana district, Rwanda. Multistage sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. Data were collected from 157 trainees, 135 trainers and 10 school managers. Descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression models were used to analyse the collected data from respondents. The findings for the influence of continuous professional development factors on quality training provision revealed that the overall mean score for trainers was (M = 3.19, SD = 1.19) and showed a statistical significance, and the implication is that continuous professional development for trainers influences quality training provision in TVET schools. Furthermore, it was concluded that there is a positive significant influence of continuous professional development on quality training provision in TVET schools. The study therefore concluded: for the influence of independent variables on quality training provision in TVET schools, the total of R2 values for measured CPD variables contributed 13.74% to quality training provision in TVET schools in Rwamagana. The study recommends that TVET schools regularly update and diversify the range of materials in workshops to align with industry standard’s needs, the study recommends that TVET schools establish a structured and mandatory CPD calendar, ensuring that trainers attend sessions regularly ensuring that the trainer is well-equipped to meet the evolving needs of his/her related professional career. The study ultimately recommends that CPD should facilitate regular updates to TVET curricula based on industry trends, technological advancements and skill demands. Educators need opportunities to stay current with industry practices through CPD, ensuring that training programs remain relevant and responsive to evolving job market needs. It was also recommended that CPD initiatives should encourage collaboration among educators, industry professionals, and policymakers. Opportunities for networking, sharing best practices, and forming partnerships can %K Continuous Professional Development (CPD) %K Quality Training Provision %U http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=135066