%0 Journal Article %T 企业劣势地位感知对消费者购买意愿的影响
The Impact of Perceived Firm Disadvantage on Consumer Purchase Intention %A 李先春 %A 林俊 %A 李若辰 %J Modern Marketing %P 47-57 %@ 2160-7370 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/mom.2024.143006 %X 在既往认知中,消费者在进行购买决策时更倾向于选择头部企业与强势品牌。通过近期事件发现,在竞争中处于劣势地位但具有社会责任感的企业更易获得消费者的购买支持。但现有研究中较少有学者对此展开研究。因此,本文以竞争中处于劣势地位但具有社会责任感的企业更易获得消费者的购买支持的现象为切入点,以劣势者效应为抓手,探寻企业劣势地位感知对消费者购买意愿的影响机制,发现企业劣势地位感知能正向影响消费者的购买意愿,自我投射在其中发挥中介作用,而企业社会责任能够正向调节该效应。表明,具有强社会责任感但处于劣势地位的企业,可以通过劣势者效应,赢得消费者的购买支持。由此,处于劣势地位的企业不应固步自封,应保持积极向上的态度,树立正向且坚定的品牌形象并有效传递给消费者,同时积极承担社会责任,扭转劣势局面。
Consumers have been known to favour headline companies and strong brands in their purchasing decisions. Recent events have shown that socially responsible companies that are at a competitive disadvantage are more likely to gain consumer support for their purchases. However, few scholars have studied this issue in existing research. Therefore, this paper takes the phenomenon of competitively disadvantaged but socially responsible enterprises are more likely to obtain consumers’ purchase support as the entry point, and takes the underdog effect as the starting point to explore the mechanism of the influence of the perception of corporate disadvantage on consumers’ purchase intention, and finds that the perception of corporate disadvantage positively affects consumers’ purchase intention, with self-projection playing a mediator role, and that corporate social responsibility positively regulates this effect. The mechanism of the effect of perceived corporate disadvantage on consumers’ purchase intention suggests that firms with a strong sense of social responsibility but in a disadvantaged position can win consumers’ purchase support through the underdog effect. As a result, disadvantaged companies should not be complacent, but should maintain a positive attitude, establish a positive and firm brand image and effectively communicate it to consumers, and actively undertake social responsibility to reverse the disadvantageous situation. %K 劣势者效应, %K 自我投射, %K 购买意愿, %K 品牌建设
Underdog Effect %K Self-Projection %K Willingness to Buy %K Branding %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=92946