%0 Journal Article %T 一种改进型有源相控阵校准天线设计与验证
Design and Validation of an Improved Calibration Antenna for Active Phased Array %A 吕苗 %A 张欢 %A 王刚 %J Hans Journal of Wireless Communications %P 43-50 %@ 2163-3991 %D 2024 %I Hans Publishing %R 10.12677/hjwc.2024.143007 %X 本文提出一种用于有源相控阵校准的改进型波导天线。首先在相控阵对角线位置设置4个固定式波导天线,通过与主阵面单元能量耦合,实现对阵元的幅相校准功能,其次为了解决校准耦合能量动态范围过大,导致后端监测校准链路设计难度大的问题,在波导天线上引入缝隙结构,增大校准波导天线与主阵天线的耦合能力,降低了耦合能量的动态范围。
An improved waveguide antenna for active phased array calibration is proposed and designed. Four fixed waveguide antennas are placed respectively at four corners of the array, and the calibration ability can be obtained by coupling with the array elements. For the reason of the large dynamic range and the difficulty in the design of the calibration modular, slots are etched at the broader face of the waveguide antenna, leading to an enhancement of the coupling with the array elements, thus a decreasing of the dynamic range. %K 相控阵,校准,波导天线,动态范围
Phased Array %K Calibration %K Waveguide Antenna %K Dynamic Range %U http://www.hanspub.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=92083