%0 Journal Article %T La disfunci¨®n diast¨®lica en pacientes hipertensos no es debida a hipertrofia ventricular izquierda %A Piskorz %A Daniel %A Tommasi %A Alicia %J Insuficiencia card£¿-aca %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X background. left ventricular hypertrophy (lvh) is a common complication of hypertension and may be associated with diastolic dysfunction (dd). objectives. to determine the prevalence of dd in hypertensive (ht) patients without lvh. methods and material. 98 ht patients were included, 66 with lvh and 32 without lvh measured by the method ofdevereux, lvh was considered a left ventricular mass index >110 g/m2 in women and 125 g/m2 in men. mitral valve orifice pulsed doppler was performed and it was measured the peak instantaneous velocity ratio e/a (ve/va) and isovolumetric relaxation time (ivrt), both were corrected by age; and tissue doppler of the interventricular septum was also preformed, and it was measured the peak instantaneous velocity ratio e'/a' (ve'/ va') and instantaneous velocity peak e/e' (ve/ve'). results. mean age 60.3¡À36.7 years, male 45 patients (45,9%), 8 diabetic patients (8.2%). the table presents the results of the assessment of diastolic function. conclusions. 1) high frequency of dd in ht patients without lvh, 2) the only one difference between patients with and without lvh was the higher end diastolic left ventricular pressure in the first showed by ve/ve¡ä, 3) lvh is not the cause of dd in ht patients. %K hypertension %K left ventricular hypertrophy %K diastolic dysfunction. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-38622011000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en