%0 Journal Article %T Educaci¨®n alimentaria-nutricional (ean ) en la ense£¿anza primaria municipal de c¨®rdoba: Una experiencia en investigaci¨®n-acci¨®n participativa (iap). A£¿o 2008 %A del Campo %A ML %A Vara Messler %A M %A Navarro %A A %J Diaeta %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X nutrition education (ne) has been recognized as the best strategy to control and prevent problems related to feeding habits. nevertheless, it has not been incorporated systematically in the argentine schools yet. the purpose of this study was to analyze the students' food habits, the teachers' pedagogical task and ne in primary schools within a par study. an ne intervention was implemented. for data collection and triangulation, semistructural interviews, focus groups, direct observation and content analysis were used. the educational intervention was based on the community organization and social action model supported by constructivist methodologies. in this framework, five educative meetings and two tutorships were carried out with the teachers, aimed at their learning about healthy feeding and its inclusion in the didactic proposal as cross-sectional contents. the impact of the intervention was positively valued as teachers designed a feeding and nutrition project that is part of the institutional educational project of the school and also involves the school foodservice and the student's parents, as well as the didactical material designed and validated for said population, which contributes to improve the quality of intervention with the aim of promoting healthful and lasting feedings habits. %K education %K nutrition %K participatory action research %K community models. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1852-73372010000300003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en